​Grants and Funds

A number of grants are available through The County Foundation in support of the work of local charitable organizations, as well as scholarships for local students. Thank you to the donors, philanthropists and caring community members who seek out The County Foundation to connect their giving to local causes.


Currently Open: 

Recently Closed:


Grant Applicants:

Grant Recipients:


List of existing funds.

The County Foundation administrates a wide range of existing funds. There are some funds where donors decide to do an open call for grant applications and there are other funds where donors direct grants to the causes they care about privately. See full list of funds.

Submit Expression of Interest to Donor Advised Funds
Tell us about the needs of your organization. This will be shared with our Donor Advised Funds.

Open to Qualified Donees providing programs and services in Prince Edward County.

Calls for Applications

Applying for grants.

Looking to apply for funding? Below are the grant programs The County Foundation administrates that do open calls to the public for applications.

Grants by Category

Since 2008, The County Foundation has facilitated grants totaling over $6.5 million dollars to support local social causes. In 2023, we facilitated $2.3 million dollars in grants to the following areas:
Graph of The County Foundation's main granting areas in 2023, primarily to Health & Human Services.

Have more questions?

If you would like to learn more about our grant programs, please connect with our Grants and Communications Manager, Gillian Armstrong at g.armstrong@thecountyfoundation.ca.