Built Heritage Fund
Built Heritage Fund

The demolition in August, 2010, of the 135 year old Methodist Episcopal Church, an iconic landmark on Main Street, Picton, brought a few concerned citizens together to discuss how important historic structures in the County could be saved. They realized that without intervention many of these buildings could be lost to us – and to future generations. Thus the first Christmas House Tour Committee was formed and the first Christmas House Tour was held in December 2010.
The reputation of the annual tour grows every year, with proceeds mounting in a fund designated for the preservation and protection of built structures determined to be important to the community and the history of Prince Edward County.

Built Heritage Fund Grants
Purpose of the Grant: to offer a specified amount of interim funding which will aid the preservation, protection, or restoration of a heritage* structure within the geographic area of Prince Edward County deemed historically or culturally significant to the community. The Grants Committee will also consider heritage murals or facades.
*“Heritage” does not necessarily imply official designation.
Grant Size: Up to $5,000.
Eligibility of Project:
- Project must be within the Municipality of Prince Edward County
- Project must meet a “bricks and mortar” definition
- Project must have a well-defined purpose related to the preservation of the structure and it must take place within one year of receiving the grant
Grants will not be awarded for regular maintenance, ongoing operating costs, administration fees, salaries, deficits, debt reduction, and the like.
Eligibility for Grant Recipients: Applicant must be a Qualified Donee as defined by the Income Tax Act, or be working in collaboration with a Qualified Donee.

How to Apply
Applications were accepted from March 4th to April 22nd 2024.
PDF printed applications can be emailed to info@thecountyfoundation.ca, mailed or dropped off at The County Foundation at 35 Bridge St. Suite 107, PO BOX 24, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0.
Applying for a grant is a competitive process and we often receive more grant applications than there is funding available. Past funding commitments should not be interpreted as a guarantee that future requests will be approved.
The County Foundation strives to make our grant application process as accessible as possible. If you have any accessibility needs or require additional assistance then please feel free to reach out to info@thecountyfoundation.ca or call us at 613-519-4470.
The County Foundation strives to make our grant application process as accessible as possible. If you have any accessibility needs or require additional assistance then please feel free to reach out to info@thecountyfoundation.ca or call us at 613-519-4470.

For Grant Recipients
Branding Guidelines
Branding Guidelines
All grant recipients will be expected to recognize The County Foundation and the Built Heritage Fund. Please follow The County Foundation's Branding Guidelines.
Grant Reports
Grant Reports
A grant report is a requirement of this grant. It must be received within one year of the grant being announced, or two months following the end of the project – whatever is sooner. See Grant Reports for forms and templates.

Support The Built Heritage Fund
Support The Built Heritage Fund
Supports the care of heritage buildings within Prince Edward County and ensures that historic structures in
the County are protected. To donate you can do so online through CanadaHelps by selecting the “Prince Edward County Built Heritage Fund” from the dropdown menu.
If you prefer sending a cheque then you can mail your donation to: The County Foundation, Suite 107 – 35 Bridge Street, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0. Add “Built Heritage Fund” to the memo so we know where you would like your donation to be directed.
If you prefer sending a cheque then you can mail your donation to: The County Foundation, Suite 107 – 35 Bridge Street, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0. Add “Built Heritage Fund” to the memo so we know where you would like your donation to be directed.

Past Recipients
Past Recipients
- The Moses/Hudgin Hog House – restoration work
- St Andrew’s Church – windows
- Masonic Lodge in Consecon – roof preservation
- Regent Theatre Foundation – marquee light replacement and modernization
- Vi Courtney House (Alternatives for Women) – foundation repair
- The Chapel at Glenwood Cemetery – masonry and woodwork restoration
- The Cooper House (Music at Port Milford) – masonry
- Athol Town Hall – entrance restoration
- Vic Cafe @ The Regent Theatre – windows
- The Wellington Hotel – intricate wood work
- The Green Barn – DeVries Collection (Ameliasburgh Heritage Village)
- Picton United Church – stained glass window restoration
- The Falconer House – kitchen wing (1 Walton Street)
- Ameliasburg Museum and Archives – roof
- The Regent Theatre Foundation – east wall repairs
- White Chapel – roof
- St Mary Magdalene – tower restoration
- PEC Public Library, Picton Branch – window maintenance